In its most general form, a playlist is simply a list of songs. They can be played in sequential or shuffled order. The term has several specialized meanings in the realms of radio broadcasting and personal computers.
The most favourite part of compilation to me is we can get the taste of many genres in a single album.It is really great of JAY DOUUBLE YOUU who is the producer of the mentioned album and he manages the album with great artists!
Talking about the artists , High times got really talented and hardworking artists . I personally like Meko Shelby a lot because his songs touch my soul. you guys must know him from my previous survey. You showed him much love. Keep showing like that. Among all the songs I liked WINTER RAIN a lot. Do mention your feedbeck through loving the song and my email.
After Meko Shelby , I found RYE's songs most amazing to me. He expresses every word with such pain like when I hear his songs I feel like my all sorrows and pain are coming out. Out of all songs I liked
WHO AM I the most.
There is another artist also who is really talented and smart by her work. She is GE3Z SINATRA.Her songs are like if sweet the honey and if sour then like raw mango. Both are really tasty and favourite to us. Among all the songs I liked 20's 50's 100's by GE3Z SINATRA. It is highly recommended from me.
There are more amazing artists and songs you want to check in the album. Go for it !
From: @workwithnupom / nupom0033@gmail.com
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